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Take 7-12 min time to complete survey

You will automatically be entered to win a coaching session with Capt Ron ($200 Value)

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Mahatma Ghandi

Why should you take your time to participate?

If you are a fearful flyer, here is your opportunity to live this famous quote and contribute to real change in a matter that’s meaningful to you and millions of other fearful flyers!

The biggest problem when we talk about fear of flying and how to address and treat it most effectively, is that current information in the research can only talk about general anxiety and fears related to flying, but is not being able to address the specific issues and challenges of real fearful flyers.

Through your participation, this survey will fill in the gap of what the specific issues are that trigger fear of flying and what tools and strategies fearful flyers are currently using to cope.

Click the button to get started with the survey.
(7-12 min time to complete)
You will automatically be entered to win a coaching session with Capt Ron ($200 Value)

It’s our nature to feel that emotional issues are unique to us. Because of this we tend to feel isolated and alone. One of the most fundamental ways our autonomic nervous system regulates our emotional “thermostat” is through social connection and engagement.

Our own experience at FearlessFlight® over the past 32 years has demonstrated this without a doubt. For this reason, social collaboration is one of the three pillars of the FearlessFlight® Method.

The most commonly uttered remark when people participate in our Cleared for Takeoff Classes is,

“I thought I was the only one!”

Why should you take your time to participate?

Increase the development of new, more effective treatment approaches and services for fearful flyers

Provide critical and current data for mental health researchers and providers

Help create more understanding for airlines about fear of flying and how to best serve the needs of fearful flyers

Click the button to get started with the survey.
(7-12 min time to complete)
You will automatically be entered to win a coaching session with Capt Ron ($200 Value)

Help find answers to the same questions you might have:

How does your fear of flying compare with that of others?

Do fear-of-flying symptoms increase or decreased over time?

How severe is your fear compared to that of others?

What are the main thoughts that keep going through your head?

What are fearful flyers currently doing to cope?

What external events and circumstances contribute to fear of flying?

How is fear of flying affecting relationships, personal and professional life?

and much more....

So, please take the few moments it will take to complete this survey and be part of the change that you wish to see!

Capt Ron and the
FearlessFlight® Crew

Click the button to get started with the survey.
 (7-12 min time to complete)
You will automatically be entered to win a coaching session with Capt Ron ($200 Value)

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