Fear of Flying

Guaranteed relief for fearful flyers flying in 14 days or less and don't know what to do!

Dear Fearful Flyer,

I get it. You have an important flight coming up and as the time counts down, your anxiety is going up.

This Rapid Relief Kit Package contains everything you need to get on your upcoming flight and generate the confidence you need to manage your anxiety!

And that's guaranteed!

Here's what you get!

If you fly in 14 days or less this is the FASTEST, PROVEN and MOST EFFECTIVE combination, to get you on your next flight. period!

The FearlessFlight® Kit (FFK) has been used successfully
by thousands of people around the globe.

Up until now I would recommend the FFK and an hour of coaching
if you have to get on that next flight.

With the addition of the Custom Neuro-Sync™ Integration, this Rapid Relief Kit represents your absolute best chance to get on that flight, manage your anxiety and fly fearlessly!


Trusted by thousands of
fearful flyers around the world

The FearlessFlight® Kit is a suite of digital tools to help you move through your fear of flying. It is a collection of audio, video, and document files designed as tools to be used in conjunction with the strategies of the FearlessFlight® Method, all found in this Kit.

7 digital Video, Audio and PDF files

Works on any device

Download for use in airplane mode


One-to-One coaching is the
fastest way through Your fear!   

It’s personalized for You, your needs and gives you the tools, strategies and confidence to control your anxiety and to finally get back onboard worry-free.

1 Hour One-to-One with Capt Ron  

Personalized for you!   

Session Recording included   

 1x Neuro-Sync™ Integration

10-Minute Custom Meditation Personalized for YOU!

This multi-sensory meditation will be custom-made for you after your 60-Minute Coaching Session with Capt Ron. Its' personalized for You, your needs and gives you the confidence to calm to master your anxiety!

Brain Sync Technology

Personalized for you and your needs

Includes Airplane Sounds   

 Access to Peer-Support FB Group

Get tips and support in our 1600+ Member Community

Social Collaboration is one of the pillars of the FearlessFlight® Method. Take comfort in knowing that you are safe and supported by our growing Birds of a Feather Facebook Community for support and accountability.

Connect with over 1600 members   

Get your questions answered   

Receive peer support and tips   

Make the investment in yourself and Get Your Customized Solution, especially if you are flying in 14 days or less and don't know what to do!

Regular Price: $597


Today's Price: $297

100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!

What do our customers say?


Thanks to you Capt Ron I'm flying to Seattle in July to see my grand babies! Your knowledge, your coaching, your caring attitude and most of all, your belief in me, that I could overcome my fear of flying, was INVALUABLE!

Janice Snyder

Website Manager


I was terribly afraid of turbulence and of being confined in an airplane cabin during long flights. Capt Ron coached me to start my own mindfulness and meditation practice. This was completely new to me and I wasn't convinced it was going to work. However I had several flights coming up.

I trusted Capt Ron and was determined to get to the point where I could fly across the Atlantic to Rome with my family. Putting mindfulness into practice, listening to the FearlessFlight® Kit and the coaching with Capt Ron simply changed my life. Thank you Capt Ron and FearlessFlight!

John Ausdemore

Founder, Ausdemore Law


I don't even know if I can express how grateful I am to FearlessFlight® and you Capt Ron!
I missed a flight in February and that feeling of self-doubt was way worse than the anxiety I was feeling about my upcoming flight. I knew I was getting on those planes yesterday even before our call. But I for sure thought I would have to be drunk or medicated, or both!

Thanks to you, I was neither! During our coaching call, you gave me courage and much needed information to change the story I was telling myself about airplanes and flying.

Your expertise, caring and generosity have brought me to tears and given me confidence all at the same time. I am so grateful you spoke with me. You are part of the reason I am enjoying my family vacation instead of sitting at home feeling sorry for myself. THANK YOU!

Brooke Blake-Hausman

Teacher, Sylvan Learning Center


The FearlessFlight® Kit is a key part of what I do every time from the minute the plane begins to pull away from the gate until we reach our cruising altitude.

 I am sure, as a fearful flyer, when you are reading the offer on this page, you wonder if it's worth it. I want you to know that it is! Capt Ron, the FearlessFlight® Kit and the custom mediation changed my life - and it can change your life too!

 The most important thing for me however, was how much it's clear everyone at FearlessFlight® wants us to succeed! It's not just some money maker and you are on your own.

Capt Ron really cares and what he and his team offers is top quality and more importantly, works! Invest in yourself. You are worth it!

Jeff Favre

Professor, Media Arts, Pierce College



Make the investment in yourself and Get Your Customized Solution, especially if you are flying in 14 days or less and don't know what to do!

Regular Price: $500


Today's Price: $297

100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!



The combination of the FearlessFlight® Kit and an hour of One-to-One Coaching has been assisting thousands of fearful flyers just like you for the past 18 years!

For those who put it to work and use it as instructed, it plain works. Based on the feedback of thousands of customers, my team and I are confident that it will work for you. Especially when you use your Custom Neuro-Sync™ Meditation and the FearlessFlight® Kit as instructed.

If you have landed on this page, you likely are afraid to fly and more than likely have tried everything you could think of to help you get over your fear of flying.

From what we have learned working with thousands of fearful flyers like you for the past 37 years, we know that trust and confidence in oneself can be very hard to come by. Which is exactly why we are extending this Guarantee to you here today!

So, within the next 30 days of the time of your purchase, in the unlikely event that you find that the FearlessFlight® Kit does not work for you AND you have taken advantage of your 60-min coaching call with me AND you have prepared for your flight according to your personal flight plan that Capt Ron created for you, we are more than happy to refund you the cost of your purchase and we'll still be friends. You can also keep your custom Neuro-Sync™ Meditation as a gift from us to you! Dear fearful flyer, At 72+ years old, my mission is as simple as it is powerful - to do everything in my power to help YOU overcome YOUR fear of flying, once and for all! I believe that the Rapid Relief Kit is your best chance to do just that - which is why I am willing to put my money where my mouth is - and make this 100% Satisfaction Guarantee for you!

Dear fearful flyer, At 75+ years old, my mission is as simple as it is powerful - to do everything in my power to help YOU overcome YOUR fear of flying, once and for all!

I believe that the Rapid Relief Kit is your best chance to do just that - which is why I am willing to put my money where my mouth is - and make this 100% Satisfaction Guarantee for you!

Capt Ron Nielsen

Founder, FearlessFlight®